I've been relishing the moments... early evening sunlight peaking underneath clouds to spreads its golden rays through the falling yellow cottonwood leaves... the crisp mornings and putting on the warm hat, the flannel, the fleece... the pumpkins turning oranger every day ... gold finches fluttering away from the sunflowers as I walk close by... V's of geese squawking overhead.
Fall is my favorite season.
For some really great photos of the farm right now, check out this series done by City Newspaper (
Crop reports:Melons have had a really great season-- the sunshine & heat contributed to their sweetness!
I miss cucumbers too! We got attacked by "downy mildew" early again this year... it pretty much wipes out the plants before they get the strength to make cukes. I don't spray anything, so I'm not sure how to protect them. I'll try a resistant variety next year, or otherwise we'll just plant lots of early cucumbers & make pickles!
Peppers are all turning red! We still harvest some green peppers, and of course hot peppers now too.
Onions are cured, dry, and ready for storing on your counters for quite a while. I have experienced a small amount of rot inside some, I'll have to research some more about what causes that.
Potatoes are popping out of the ground! Actually, we use this really old potato digger. It's fun to watch. If you live close by & have a flexible schedule (we never really know when it will fit into the schedule), you should come by sometime and see us harvest potatoes, it's great.
Eggplants and squash are still going strong. If you're sick of eating them, just stick them on the grill with some olive oil brushed on, and freeze them for later. Peppers are great on the grill too.
Sweet corn is about done. I have one more late planting that might mature next week... we'll see how it goes.
Beets are almost ready! And fennel bulbs!!! These are really great roasted (together or separate) in the oven with lots of olive oil & a bit of salt. Add some carrots & potatoes & onions. Yum.
The mixed greens are back! We will soon be swimming in arugula, mizuna, tat soi, golden frill, & red mustard. An easy delicious salad dressing I've been making is: miso paste, peanut butter, honey, water.
There are STILL pick-your-own green beans if you haven't gotten a chance to put some in the freezer. A new row. Hardly anyone has scratched the surface of it yet, I think folks may be sick of beans. But all you have to do is throw them in boiling water for a few minutes, then into ice water, then into baggies & into the freezer. Nutritious food from the farm in February!
Cherry tomatoes are peaking. 4 quarts a week limit! You could probably freeze these too...
Other things to look forward to soon:Hakurei Turnips
Red Onions