Thursday, September 13, 2012

September's Harvest and Thanks

2012 Mud Creek Farm Crew
We've been picking and hauling.
Discovering and learning.
Bunching and drying.
Tossing and catching.
Storing in Jack's hay loft.
Washing, washing, washing.
The fall fields are just gorgeous.

Glowing health.
The winter squash harvest this year is AMAZING!  They are ready a whole month early.
Wonderful volunteers come out on a Sunday afternoon to help pick up squash.
We haul them into the greenhouse to cure.

Even smaller hands can help too.
Some CSA members volunteer to make dinner for the hungry farmworkers.
Mike and Valerie really outdid everyone -- gourmet gazpacho, organic ham, corn relish, and chocolate tarts!

  We are so grateful.

Our neighbor Jack (who can fix anything) stops by to fix the ancient Ontario Grain Drill.
We hitch it up to the old Farmall Cub to plant the winter cover crops.
An agricultural miracle.  But one that has happened before, likely.
We pour the Grain Drill full of Rye and Clover seed.
These fields have yielded much abundance, and will hopefully continue to do so.

Rest, fields, in restorative grass roots.  We are grateful.