We had a lot of helpers this week on the farm, and got a ton planted!
Our winter squash and first round of summer squash went in with some volunteer Cub Scouts and their families. Thank you!!!!!!
We also planted peppers, fennel, scallions, and the rain held off so that we could get it all in!
We could use the rain though.... farm apprentice Stephanie spent the rest of the evening laying irrigation lines on everything we planted (and got muddy feet!) We also cover up some of the plants to protect them from the bugs.
Hopefully we'll get rain this week.
The blueberries are blooming! I've plowed up most of the ground that we'll be planting this spring, and the sand polished the plow nice and shiny.
Also, I took the little 1953 Farmall Cub out for the first time this season to cultivate the onions! It is a very fun tractor to drive.
It's hard to see the onions in this photo, but they are there. Some of them got accidentally buried, but the weed control was easy in the sandy ground with the Cub cultivators.
This week we also finished seeding 17 acres of pasture and clover with a nurse crop of oats! It's been a busy week.
Getting that field ready for planting
Breaking some equipment on rocks
We spent a whole day picking rocks out of this field. Did I mention it's been a long week?
We rented a friend's grain drill to seed the oats, grass, and clover, and it was so satisfying to get it all done! Now we just wait for rain.
We still have lots more to plant this week, like our first sweet corn field, lots of lettuce, and more covering and irrigating to do.
Not to mention weeding! I'm trying to be in denial of all the tiny little crabgrass seedlings that are coming up right now in all the planted beds, especially the ones under the covers. I don't see them! Just kidding, I'll be tackling them tomorrow morning, and likely all day tomorrow.
We've been so blessed by getting volunteers. The farm really is going in fast. In a few weeks, when the covers start coming off, the plants will really shine. I'm looking forward to the view from the hill when the mosaic of vegetables starts to come in.
Do you want to help out on the farm? We always need more hands. We also have CSA shares available still, Full and Half. Go to www.wildhillfarm.com for more info. Thanks folks, and happy full moon!