Wednesday, April 22, 2009

the first plants go in! & etc. photos from the farm...

Well, here we go! There was a great turnout for the first planting party-- we planted onions,

...and more onions,
...and also cabbage, kale, swiss chard. All in all, we planted over 5,300 onions!
Thanks to everyone who came out to help. Paul helped finish laying out irrigation drip tape with me,

And we put a blanket of frost-cloth, or "row cover", on them, to give them a little bit of added warmth. Sandbags filled with rocks picked out from the field help to weigh down the cloth. What a weekend, we really got a lot accomplished!
I bought this amazing little 1948 Farmall Cub tractor to do cultivating with. It is in almost mint condition, fixed up by a hobbyist in Hilton, and sold to me at a pretty good price. I couldn't resist. I bought a set of rusty cultivators to hook up underneath it, so I can zip down the beds, weeding in between the rows. Thanks to Chris who is helping me get it all set up for our bed system!
The sign went up on McMahon Road-- thanks Mom & Dad! I learned to use the router & had fun practicing with these cursive letters.
That cold week when it snowed, I came out to the greenhouse to shake the heavy snow off the roof... a glove on the end of a board worked pretty well!
Baby scallions coming up:
Here she is, Princess Rose the 3rd:
Kale, broccoli, and bok choi, looking stunning in the evening light of the greenhouse:
I am running out of room on my tables!
What broccoli looks like when it hatches:
Swiss chard:
The new Kubota being delivered!
I can hardly go a week without being hassled by the paparazzi.
Just kidding, check out Tina Yee's videos (Democrat & Chronicle photographer, RocEarth)-- I've started chronicling them on my website Stay tuned for more throughout the season!
The plants that we planted in the ground this week (above)
and the plow I'm borrowing from Jack:
Shining up the ol' plow:
It's been a great spring so far.

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