Friday, December 19, 2008
Mud Creek Farm on the airwaves!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Being a Producer
MICHAEL POLLAN: Make yourself a real producer. Put in a garden. I mean, that is not a trivial thing. You know, it sounds kind of sweet and old lady-like. But gardens are very powerful things.
BILL MOYERS: How so? What do you mean? Powerful things.
MICHAEL POLLAN: Not only will you discover that a very small plot of land, my garden now is only 10 foot by 20 foot, produces so much produce, I need to give it away. I have to spend time figuring out how to get rid of it. So you will actually get some of the healthiest, freshest food you can possibly get. It is the shortest food chain of all. But it teaches certain habits of mind that I think are really, really important. You know, Wendell Berry had a phrase. He talked about our kind of predicament with regard to energy. He said-
BILL MOYERS: -farmer, philosopher in Kentucky, right?
MICHAEL POLLAN: Yeah. And he said, "You know, we're afflicted by this cheap energy mind," that we, because cheap energy has allowed us to outsource so much of our lives. You know, we do one thing, right? We do our job, and everything else, we have a specialist who provides. They entertain us. They feed us. They clothe us. We don't do anything for ourselves anymore. It's one of the reasons that when we look at climate change, we feel so helpless, because we can't imagine doing any more for ourselves.
Well, as soon as you start gardening, it is a cure for the cheap energy mind. You're suddenly realizing that hey, I can use my body in support of my body. I have other skills. I can, you know, I can feed myself, if I needed to. And that is kind of a preparation, I think, for the world we may find ourselves in. But it's very empowering to realize that you're not at the mercy of the supermarket.
BILL MOYERS: We have 6.7 billion people on this earth, wanting to be fed. Do you think that we have a system that it will produce enough food, if we put into effect what you're talking about?
MICHAEL POLLAN: As long as the sun still shines. There is the energy to produce the food. The thing we need to remember, when people ask, "Can we feed the world sustainably?" is that about 40 percent of all the grain we're growing in the world, which is most of what we grow, we are feeding to animals. So there's an awful lot of slack there, if we're not eating nine ounces of meat a day. We're wasting 25 percent of what we're growing. I mean, there is, you know, there is plenty of food, if we organize our agriculture in a proper way.
The 'can we feed the world' argument has been used for 50 years to drive the industrialization of agriculture. It is agri-business propaganda, people who are not interested in feeding the world. They're interesting in driving up productivity, on American farms. Yes, some want to export it. ADM and Cargill want to ship it out to other places, but basically they want their raw materials as cheap as possible. I'm talking about Coca-Cola. I'm talking about McDonald's. And the way you keep you need overproduction to do that. You want your raw materials, if you're producing that McDonald's hamburger, or Coca-Cola, you're dependent on that corn and soy, and the cheaper that is, the more profit you're going to make.
BILL MOYERS: I'm sorry that I can't persuade you or convince you to take the job. You would be a provocative Secretary of Agriculture.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
many hands
Many many thanks to my super helpers. The beginning construction of the greenhouse has made this fallow piece of land a place again. My imagination spins, as I picture myself wheeling a cart full of tomatoes or broccoli plants down the path, in the sweaty heat of July, the luscious green of the weeds spilling onto the edges of the dirt road, where right now bare stalks catch snow. Or smiling faces out in the field, black earth turned up into blossoming produce, and the start of something new, something delicious, something meaningful.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
plowing jitters
Luckily Bob has an old friend (of 50 years!) who lives down the road. A farmer who goes by the name of Jack. Jack's family has been farming here for generations. He really does look like one of those strapping old farmers, complete with suspenders and a farm wife. Bob & I managed to describe the crazy idea we're attempting to implement next year-- describing what "CSA" stood for. His wife said their daughter on the west coast was involved in one, and she was excited about buying their vegetables from me. Jack & I talked about timing-- once this weather clears (the snow melts & the sun comes out) he still has a few fields of corn to harvest, but he'd be willing to plow an acre or two for me, 50 bucks an hour. His tractors start when it's cold, and his plows don't have 10 years of rust from disuse.
More than just the plowing, I'm excited to have access to the incredible wealth of knowledge that Jack obviously carries. He's actually worked those acres I'm intending to farm on before. He grew corn & beans on them, said it was really good ground. Bob said he always put a cover back on the land after he used it, even though he was just renting it temporarily. He's a "smart little farmer" in Bob's words.
Jack's wisdom is the kind that comes from knowing the soil's habits intimately. You can plow the ground when it's wet in the fall, because the frost heaves it up & restores the tilth during the winter-- but plowing in the spring will compact. He warned of a local phenomenon where sometimes the plowed land will do this thing in the winter where it "runs back together" (he uses his hands to show this). Or sometimes water will pool up under where you turned over the sod, and stay moist in the spring longer, when the surface appears to be drying out. Tilling, he said, should be done in the spring. All of these precious gems of information I stash into my pockets, more strength for the uphill battle that growing food really is.
Farmer Rant
I am in class called “Marketing School for Growers” offered by the Cornell Cooperative Extension and funded through state grants. Powerpoint slides show us how we can better “position our product in the marketplace”, using innovative techniques to appeal to restaurants, the discerning farmers market shopper, or create value-added products. But what we’re talking about in the end is still small potatoes.
That old saying has come up several times for me lately, “How do you make a million dollars farming? Start with two million.” So the answer to my request for advice from a nearby CSA farmer about starting up a CSA of my own next year was, Get a job. You’ll need time to gradually aquire your pieces of (rusty, used) equipment at auctions, because the money isn’t there to fund major investiments from the outset.
I have just devoted the past 2 years of my life apprenticing under the trade of vegetable growing, only to be told that I needed to find a job. Oh! I had stepped out into the Real World after being in the student bubble… this was a familiar feeling! But I want to farm! I have the skills and the work ethic to create a farm! And everyone’s telling me to slow down. No I will not!
Farmers markets around here make me cry. I guess I got used to the hip urban markets in the Bay Area & Hudson Valley, where organic is super-trendy and farmers are worshipped as rock-stars. Not here, nope. Half the vendors are grey-haired, torn-plaid-shirt-wearing, well, 7th generation farmers probably (the real-deal rockstars), but they are charging a buck for a basket of giant tomatoes. You can bet that it cost way more than a buck to produce them. You see, farmers don’t count their own labor. That’s why it appears to work. You crunch the numbers, and yes, just barely, a positive profit is reached (occasionally). But what about the hours that farmer spent on his or her knees in the dirt, plucking weeds or picking peppers, all the hours spent trying to get the tractor to start, all the cracked dry hands, the sore backs, the worry.
This is obviously a hobby. Most farmers around here work other jobs, usually full-time at that, to provide enough income to raise their families and have health insurance. I just don’t get it—why work yourself overtime in the fields and then come to market to stand there in the cold and hawk the fruits of your labor for 50 cents each? These people must really love it. I must admit though that I, too, am a slave to the passion of farming; I’d do it even if no one paid me to do it. And apparently no one will, so I will take a lifetime vow of poverty, to satiate my desire to do meaningful, honest, fulfilling work instead of taking some office job with a comfy benefits package.
All for the love of the soil. Crazy.
Bob's land
This week he’s been working with his lawyer on his will. He says he hates doing all the paperwork, but he’s 82, missing a kidney, and has had surgery on his heart. You never know when… he shrugs.
And yet here he is on this sunny mid-November day, climbing up a machine with wheels taller than he is, to pour a 5 gallon can of diesel into the tank.
Bob doesn’t want the newspaper reporter coming out to the land to do a story on us yet because his insurance man scared him. He told him that he was absolutely liable for anyone coming out to the property… scared him enough that he isn’t sure that we’ll be able to go through with this at all. “Sorry, hon, I don’t know what to say.”
I hoped that there weren’t other things holding him back from committing—like maybe his children’s concerns about the future of the land. It does feel a bit rushed. I just moved back to the area 10 days ago. Now we’re talking about plowing tomorrow, and not just a story in the paper, but a whole series, following me through the season. The marketing dream of a lifetime.
But farming moves at it’s own pace, that of the unpredictable weather, ancient rusty machines, generations, and relationships.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
old-fashioned greenhouse take-down party
Luckily, I had lots of willing helpers. THANK YOU! I am so incredibly blessed to have my parents drive all the way out here, my aunt, uncle, and 2 cousins drive up from New Jersey, and 3 regular farm volunteers & their spouses come out and bring their tools with them. I couldn't have done this by myself. With everyone's help we got it all loaded on the truck in less than 6 hours. The teamwork was inspiring.
The last tomato of the season (kept on my kitchen counter for weeks)...
Dad wanted to drive the truck back, so I followed mom down the thruway, in my little Honda hatchback stuffed with my clothes & books, and some potatoes for the winter. Three of us drove back to Rochester, where my brother & his friend were waiting to help us unload the truck. Thanks again guys. Wow, I really need some rest. But coffee will do for now.
Monday, November 3, 2008
saying goodbye
nice things
Beautiful roosters that start crowing at 3:45 in the morning. This one looks like it probably is a "Phoenix" breed. I am giving him to a friend in Massachusetts who has lots of hens but wants a rooster to protect them from predators this winter.