Tuesday, January 13, 2009

in vogue!

Who knew CSA was so trendy?


Check out #8 there...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

good news

Mud Creek Farm hits the Rochester Online Newsstands!

Check it out:

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Successful CSA Info Meeting!

The CSA is taking shape! We now have 15 members signed on!

What a wonderful turnout for the first official informational meeting. Thank you to all who came, and to my family for their help & support. We had about 60-70 people in that room.

Fliers & application forms were handed out at the beginning, & a slide show of farming photos played while people came in.

Then I played a funny video that was a take-off of Star Wars, using produce to act out the characters. A brief intro about "the organic rebellion"! And an icebreaker, of course. I was pretty nervous.

Then I launched into my 30-minute slide presentation, about the history of CSA, the farm, myself, and details on how Mud Creek Farm CSA will function. I am wearing my professional-looking jacket, but I also have my muck boots on :) Maybe people didn't notice.

Mom baked zucchini bread from some farm zucchini (from the freezer), and I brought some jars of pickles to share! This is all about food, anyway, isn't it?

The press came. In fact, 2 separate reporters from the same major Rochester paper-- one who is doing a video series, following me through the farm's first season, and another who runs the online environmental section of the paper-- "RocEarth".

I was surrounded by folks afterwards coming up to me with questions & praise.

How amazing it was to shake peoples hands, smile together with them, and know that I will be feeding them for a large part of the year-- and hear excitement bubbling in people's voices as they thank me for what I'm doing. I hope to meet their expectations!

I am really impressed by the support of this community, and looking forward to starting off the season with a collective sense of energy, determination, and eagerness for all things green and yummy.