Monday, September 28, 2009

Autumn harvest...

Well, I think that fall is officially here when we pull the winter squash in from the field. With the help of a few devoted farmhands, we hauled them all into the greenhouse to cure for a week or so.
Summer crops are on their way out-- less peppers & eggplants (finally!), and more greens, radishes, turnips, and root crops. Lettuce continues to come in by the bushel!
We finally got rain! A whole inch overnight, and more on the way... the 5 acres of cover crops I just planted are soaking it up. Check out the new fields for next year-- they'll be turning green soon with oats, peas, triticale, and vetch. An inch of rain sure makes for muddy harvesting though.
As I was leaving the farm Sunday evening, it started pouring again, but the setting sun still was shining beneath the raincloud. Everyone had just left distribution with their bags of produce, handfuls of flowers, kids, dogs, and aunts. I stood in front of the fields by myself, witnessing this magical light that was falling over the farm. What an incredible place this is. A rainbow arched over the sky as I drove back down the gravel road home.
Dad really did some hauling of that squash.I can't wait to eat these delicata...
Mmmm... squash is the perfect filling food for these cold nights.
Oh! And the first fall broccoli was delicious! Cabbages are soon to come...
And let's not forget the glorious Swiss Chard.
Food, glorious food.

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