Sunday, April 25, 2010

Planting success!

Wednesday we planted hundreds of spring greens, broccoli, cabbages, and more. We had over 20 people come out & help throughout the day! We got 13 beds planted-- nearly 1/2 an acre!
Thanks to all who came out to lend a hand-- we really, really appreciated it, and your efforts will be rewarded in a month or so when we get to come back & harvest the abundant crop of veggies! Right now, though, the baby plants need all the love they can get.
We gave them all a big drink with our lines of drip irrigation.
Then we covered everything up with row cover-- it might frost the next two nights, and this blanket will keep them warm, as well as keep the flea beetles off them (they eat little holes in the leaves). "Rockbags" hold down the row cover.
Our rolling greenhouse tables are a big hit-- when plants in the greenhouse get ready to go out in the field, we put them on these tables which "harden them off" during the day, and we roll the tables back in at night.
Here's our onion plants, which just went in the ground yesterday!
Thanks to the crew of dedicated folks who came out on Sunday to put these onions in the ground, along with leeks, & scallions! The rain is watering them in nicely.

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