She really is shaping up to be a great mother. It's curious how this instinct is mostly bred out of chickens, so that they just leave their eggs every day & continue about their lives, without giving a thought to reproduction. But some of these old heritage breeds retain their "broodiness" more than others I guess. Another black hen has started sitting all day in her nest box & defending it with squawks & pecks. I may aquire some fertile eggs for her too. This is so fun!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
baby chicks
She really is shaping up to be a great mother. It's curious how this instinct is mostly bred out of chickens, so that they just leave their eggs every day & continue about their lives, without giving a thought to reproduction. But some of these old heritage breeds retain their "broodiness" more than others I guess. Another black hen has started sitting all day in her nest box & defending it with squawks & pecks. I may aquire some fertile eggs for her too. This is so fun!
Monday, April 28, 2008
hatch day!
The weekend was relaxing & sunny, though. I spent a little more time down at Clermont, at the Sheep & Wool Festival. I learned how you take the raw fleece after you shear a sheep, "card" it with these hairbrush-thingees into "roving", then you spin it into yarn on a spinning wheel! Of course you have to get the burs out & wash some of the lanolin out & maybe dye it too.Look at the leaves on this buckeye! Summer is here already!
Friday, April 25, 2008
appropriate technology?
Then we mark the beds. I am learning to drive straight on this thing!
Then we go along the bed with the trays of plants, and drop each one at 1-foot intervals, with 2 rows per bed. The bed-marker makes this really easy & exact.
Then we get down on our knees (or bend over) and tuck them into the ground. Thankfully we had 3 volunteers helping us plant them! Including a 2-yr-old, who kept pointing at the dropped plants & exclaiming, "poor little guy!" It was pretty hot out, and I really felt for them, their roots exposed and all.
But we got them all in, and turned the irrigation on!
We also planted potatoes today. 1,000 pounds of potatoes. I don't have any pictures because we worked really fast & efficiently. A summary: we had plowed the field a week or two ago, then Dave disced it, & the rye grass was pretty much dead. So I went in with a shovel-like blade on the back of the new tractor (YES I drove the new tractor!) & made furrows in the middle of each bed. Then we dropped potatoes into the furrows, at a spacing of 8", 12" for the big spuds. Lots of varieties-- reds, yellows, blues. Usually Dave does this by hand, carrying a bucket along & throwing them into the furrow. But we thought maybe we could save our backs & time if we hooked up a cart to the back of a tractor & sat on it with buckets of potatoes, & threw them in as we rode over the field. All in all, perhaps it wasn't faster, perhaps it saved our backs a little, but we used a lot of diesel. And it was pretty noisy. Dave flew over the furrows with the fertilizer spreader, dumping some nitrogen in there (potatoes are heavy feeders). And then we go in with some more shovel-blades & cover up the potatoes, making little "hills" in each row. Lots of work. Seems like we always work overtime on Fridays. And Nick made his train into the city, although sweaty, dirt-covered, & exhausted.
I'm getting ready for a nice weekend on the farm, getting ready for my sheep to come! Here's the electronet fencing I'll be using. It will tie into the existing deer fence that Dave has up around each field.
Now I need to fill it with straw, and get some hay, grain, salt, & minerals for them.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
the grass is growing!
After work, Nick took the mower out for a joyride around the farm. It was a wonderfully pleasant evening. I cleaned out a room in the barn for my sheep to live at night. I'll have to put them in there every night so that the coyotes aren't tempted. And then bring them out in the morning to a fresh piece of grass! A few more things to get in order, then I'm ready for them to arrive!
So, by the way, I've decided against raising meat lambs this year. I basically chickened out. Thinking about how cute those little ones are, and how I'll be spending a lot of time with them over the summer, I figured it would be really traumatic to send them to the slaughterhouse in the fall. I don't have anything against raising & eating meat, I just am not sure that's my main goal in this sheep project.
So I'm probably going to get a few full-grown ewes (mamas) from this woman, pasture them on the lawn & cover crops here, then give them back to her when I leave in the fall, when it's time for them to live in a barn for the winter. That way she will be sort of a mentor, peripherally involved, and I am free to name them & know they will live nice long lives. I can't wait for them to get here!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
a learning curve
First we used Dave's new wooden punch-tool to loosen up the cells, to make them easier to pull out. Then from these seats we can yank them out, & drop them into these spinning carousel things that put them right into the ground for us! No bending over!
And Judy dropped by to volunteer! We are incredibly thankful for her help all day, as it allowed us to fill all three of the seats, with Dave driving the tractor.
First we did a test-run with some extra chinese cabbage. We had a lot of adjusting of bolts to do, raising & lowering different parts to get the depth right & the plants seated nicely in the ground.
Then we planted kohlrabi & lettuce! About 5,000 plants!
I even got to drive the new tractor a little! It's pretty hard to keep perfectly straight when the wheels are so huge you can't hardly see where they touch the soil. But it definitely is a smooth ride with a lot of power.
Okay, so the machine wasn't totally perfect, and we had to go back through the row & correct some plants--- some were buried, some were sideways, and some got bunched up because a rock got in the way. But there was a lot of us & it didn't take long.
The scallions went in really well, we hardly had any corrections to make on them.
And finally, we watered everything in. It was in the 80's today, pretty warm for mid-April. I was thirsty & I could empathise with the lettuce on the verge of wilting. But I think it will perk up by the morning, and start sending down those roots.
We also seeded 2 or 3 rows of greens & watered those in as well. We accomplished quite a lot today, and I think about how nice it will be to eat a fresh salad sometime soon, and about all the people who will share & appreciate in this bounty.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
machinery for efficiency
Meanwhile, the chickens were up to no good as usual:
Nice place for a little nap, eh? Help! How do I get down?
Monday, April 21, 2008
back to work!
Who spread this compost so evenly & thoroughly?
My soil blocks are looking good! Purple cabbage & purple cauliflower! I can't wait to make pink sauerkraut.The first fruit of the season... Rhubarb. And another large-leafed creature, Burdock! This is another really yummy wild edible plant. Burdock root is popular in Japanese cooking & is really good for you. Sources say to dig it up in the fall, so I may have to wait on this one...